The Validation of Acceptance
As I was driving into work this evening (for those who don't know, I am an overnight 911 Dispatcher) I was thinking about various Facebook posts that have been scrolling across my feed for the past few days. Writer friends posting about stories or poems being accepted, while others are feeling the sting of rejection. It got me thinking about the whole process and how we, as writers, have a rather unique ritual that goes along with our craft. Allow me to explain. I am also a musician and have been playing music for close to 35 years, never truly professionally, mind you, but I have worked within the boundaries of the live music circuit. I've played gigs in bars and parties and even provided live ambient music for an art gala once. I also worked as a professional magician for a number of years, performing magic everywhere from street corners, to house parties, kids parties, restaurants clubs and even a custom built stage fo...